Calls for service for unverified intrusion alarms can burden ECCs and law enforcement. Learn how the TMA-AVS-01 Alarm Validation Scoring standard is a modern solution to this old issue. By utilizing the trove of data that alarm systems generate, AVS-01 is a revolutionary shift in standardizing how alarms are classified by monitoring centers and improving how they are classified and transmitted to ECCs. Responders will have the data needed to make more informed decisions for better allocation of resources and safety of responders and the public.
Learning Objectives:
In this session, participants will learn what the AVS-01 Alarm Validation Scoring standard is and how it works. Participants will understand each Alarm Level.
In this session, participants will learn the benefits of AVS-01 to Emergency Communications Centers. Participants will learn how AVS-01 can be utilized using a manual process or with various technologies. Examples of calltakers/Telecommunicators handling calls for service with alarm scoring will be presented.
In this session, participants will learn how AVS-01 can be worked into their normal workflow with minimal disruption. They will also learn the benefits to Law Enforcement responders, including increased officer safety.